​"Somewhere between right and wrong, there is a garden. I will meet you there."~ Rumi

Exotic • Beautiful • Delicious
Carmel Bella Farm is a small-scale, sustainable farm known for cultivating some of the world's most unique, rare and beautiful heirloom tomatoes. Our farm originated in the beautiful coastal mountains of Carmel Valley, CA and we are now currently farming in the gorgeous mountains of Northern Idaho. Through the past decade, we have built an extensive collection of exotic and highly sought after heirloom and open pollinated varieties that we are very excited to share with you in our seed shop!
We are also deeply passionate about sharing the wealth of knowledge we have gained through sustainable farming and heirloom tomato cultivation. We want to inspire others to live a more organic lifestyle by offering a rare selection of seeds that will bring incredible beauty and diversity to your backyard and dinner table.
Our Values
Carmel Bella Farm's core values stem from our CEO, Lisa Troutner, who has passionately worked in organic farming for over 15 years. She grew up with a deep respect for nature, quality foods and natural medicine, and practices holistic remedies in her home and garden.
She lives her life respectful of nature and implements this into her farming practices with soil conservation and rejuvenation, companion planting, promoting beneficial insects and biodiversity and using certified organic products in the garden and home. Working with Mother Earth, she strives to support the planet, her family and all walks of life.

Our Offerings
We are thrilled to offer our treasured heirloom tomato, pepper, flower and herb seed varieties through our online shop. During spring and early summer, you will find us at the local Sandpoint farmer's market with our incredible blooms of peonies and tulips, along with tomato starts and seeds.
Our Beautiful Food Art
Many visit our site to admire a very special and unusual line of artwork. With Lisa's innate love for nature and a creative eye in photography, a unique collection of Food Art has become a worldwide sensation. Each whimsical design is created with fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers that are grown on the farm. Her beautiful art pieces are an inspiring vision for the eyes and the soul.

Heirloom Tomatoes are our Specialty
Heirloom Tomato Seeds
Shipped Anywhere in the USA!
Private Delivery
Sandpoint, Idaho
Intimate dinner party or small-scale event coming up? During the growing season, we offer stunning displays of fresh heirloom tomatoes that will tantalize your taste buds and bring a real farm to table feel to any affair. Tomatoes are delivered whole and include an exotic assortment of varieties, colors and flavors which will be garnished with freshly harvested herbs and flowers. Limited availability*